🌀CIclone is a plugin that integrates JetBrains IDE with Continuous Integration services including GitHub Actions, Jenkins, and CircleCI.

Get notified right inside your IDE

When the build is complete, you will receive a notification inside the IDE weather the build was successful or not.
This will help you send pull requests promptly, or deal with bugs before you are unable to recall the context of the fix.


Notify builds by me

You can choose to receive notification only for failed builds, and builds triggered by your changes.

Notification Frequency

Browse logs in the tool window

You no longer need to go back to the CI service to check the build log. With 🌀CIclone, you can browse build logs inside the tool window.

Check failed test cases with pleasure

It’s painful to switch between the IDE and the CI service back and forth to check the failed test cases. 🌀CIclone analyzes the build log, and extracts failed test cases.

Navigate to test code, run tests locally

You can navigate to the failed test code/line by just double-clicking the test case in the tool window. You can also execute a test case locally with a single click from the contextual menu.

System Requirements

– Supported Continuous Integration Services / Servers

*1 Configuration with multiple remote repositories is not supported.
*2 Single-noded Jenkins configuration is supported

– Supported JetBrains IDEs

  • Android Studio
  • AppCode
  • CLion
  • DataGrip
  • DataSpell
  • GoLand
  • IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition
  • IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate
  • PyCharm Community Edition
  • PyCharm Professional
  • PhpStorm
  • Rider
  • RubyMine
  • WebStorm

– Supported build tools and test frameworks for test case extraction


CIclone License Agreement

For organizations For individual use
1st year $60 $30
2nd year $48 $24
3rd year onwards $36 $18

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